Top 10 calorie burning chores

Who knew that a broom and mop could help whip you into shape? It turns out that extreme cleaning around your home also does wonders for your body. In fact, an article by Ellen Breslau featured on outlines the top ten chores that help you burn the most calories.
1. Shoveling snow: burn up to 476 calories an hour. Because it is so physically taxing, shoveling snow can be too high impact for some people. If you are able to, this is another great total body activity.
2. Mowing the lawn: burn up to 408 calories. Using an old fashioned hand mover may not be easy because of all the resistance, but it sure will make you sweat.
3. Painting a room: burn up to 306 calories an hour. All the muscles you use to paint will result in a refreshed room to enjoy.
4. Weeding your garden: burn up to 306 calories an hour. This is a great way to get fresh air and have a well maintained landscape.
5. Vacuuming: burn up to 238 calories in an hour. Depending on the size of your home, you can work many muscle groups by pushing and hauling a vacuum all around the house.
6. Straightening up the house: burn up to 238 calories an hour. Picking things up off the floor and reaching up high to put things in cabinets will help you maximize the calories spent.
7. Child care: burn up to 204 calories an hour. Taking care of a child will keep you on your toes.
8. Mopping: burn up to 119 calories in a half hour. By using your arms, abs and legs, mopping can be a total body work out.
9. Washing dishes: burn up to 85 calories in a half hour. Not as impressive as the calories you’ll burn by shoveling show, but you can still get credit for the strength it takes to wash the dishes.
10. Doing the laundry: burn up to 68 calories in an hour. Also relatively low impact, but if you have a lot of laundry, the calories you burn can add up.
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