Sabotaging your weight loss

Things are going good, losing weight, getting active, people are noticing. But usually at this point, I sabotage myself and backslide into old habits. I caught myself doing that on a couple of trips to Augustana College recently for events for my son.
I thought I had my meal supplements, but we got about 10 miles from home and realized I had left it behind. That meant I was on my own and not as prepared as I thought for what I could eat for the day.
We had to stop for lunch on the way and wound up at a fast food place. This wasn’t too bad but I was starving by this point. I ordered a garden salad with chicken breast with raspberry vinaigrette, which I only used a little. I felt good about my choice. I knew I needed the protein or I would be hungry in a short while.
My son’s recital was great and now it was time for dinner, which we booked at our favorite restaurant. Suddenly, I had no self control. I did order the salmon with broccoli – no starch, but instead of a garden salad – ordered the Caesar salad and also had one of their biscuits.
I knew it wasn’t on the plan, but I enjoyed every bite of it. Here’s when I made a conscious decision that I would enjoy this meal, but get right back on track the next day.
Then we had four days for all the graduation ceremonies and events with my son. I felt like I was on a farewell tour with him, where he had to eat at all his favorite restaurants and visit every bar before leaving the Quad Cities for good.
I tried to watch what I was eating, but did not follow the plan and came away bloated and a pound heavier. The positive was I tried to get in my 30-40 minutes of walking every day.
I decided I wasn’t going to beat myself up about it like I always do. When I talked to Tricia Ligon, manager of the Advocate Weight Management Program, she had a great comment I want to share: “Remember this is a journey and you are not going to overcome this in one straight neat clean path. It will be messy from time to time. Identifying who you are (the person who loses 30 lbs. feels like a rock star and heads down the slippery path of talking yourself out of it) will allow you the ability to change that person. This is your time, a new page; you get to be whoever you choose to be!”
I thought that was powerful and felt I should share that. I am sure all of you out there that have struggled with a weight issue have felt the same way.
So lesson learned…if you are going to go off the plan, enjoy and savor every bite. Make sure you still track everything you are eating no matter how embarrassed you are that you lost focus. Don’t feel bad about it – acknowledge it, own it and get back on track the next day.
In the twelve weeks on the program I am down 39.5 lbs. which is such a great feeling. And I have now joined the fitness center at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Ill.
Next month I hope to share some insights learned on starting a fitness program.
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About the Author
Debi Jordan, health enews contributor, is senior account rep for the Advocate Health Care Media Center. She is sharing her weight loss journey.
You go Deb! Great job…
What program are you on?
Thanks for asking, Karen. It is the Advocate Weight Management Program which is medically supervised. I meet with a physician, nutritionist, behaviorist and exercise physiologist on a rotating basis. Basically, I eat six times a day – 3 meal replacements with have all the vitamins and minerals needed daily and then one serving of fruit, one dairy and then dinner consists of 4 oz of protein and 3-4 servings of vegetables along with one fat serving. I have to say, this is the first time I’ve this much success with a program. I’m not hungry and it’s convenient to plan what to bring to work every day. For more information call 847.990.5770 or e-mail them at
Great job getting back on track! You look awesome!
Thank you for sharing this! I love the words your coach gave you! I need to remember them as I keep fighting the good fight with my journey. Keep up the great work!!
Good luck, Angie! I talking with my behaviorist, Rebecca, she said the hardest part of the journey is changing the behaviors.We always celebrate with food – or have in the past. For example, now to celebrate a goal – I want to reach the 50 pounds loss – I’ll celebrate by getting a facial and massage. It’s helping to keep me on track.
Keep up the good work! I, too, have strayed from my weight loss plan, but just got right back on track. Thanks for sharing the great advice!
Good for you! I too use meal replacements to keep me balanced and never leave home without them. The awareness of what you eat otherwise is a demonstration of what you are learning to stay healthy. No one is perfect. Portion control can be challenging as well. Good for you to keep up with your walking regime. Looking forward to more updates!
Great Job Debi! You look great too! Very proud of you! Your success is very motivating for me. I just need to stop coming up with excuses to not call and start the process. Keep up the good work.
Congrats Debi! You should update your profile picture to the one above. Love the smile 🙂
Congratulations! You are fortunate to have this option at ALGH. I inquired, but it wasn’t an option here at Christ.I hope by next year they will offer this program to additional sites. I am pursuing weight watchers and increasing my exercise.
I have enjoyed reading your inspirational journey. I think any major health change has its ups and downs so your story only proves you’re human!
Wow Debi!!! Thanks for sharing your story.. I felt like I was reading a story about myself..I’ve recently lost 15 pounds, but have found myself eating more fast foods, junk foods…sliding back into my old habits again. I’m going to follow your steps and get back on track! Thanks for the motivation!!
That’s great, Qiana! I’m glad you are committing to getting back on track. It’s impossible to stay 100% on task with all the temptations out there, but I found writing everything down or tracking it on my Fitbit has helped me. Good luck on your journey.
Thanks again for keeping us up to date on your story, Debi. I think it’s important to realize as Trish said–this is a journey and there may be a few speed bumps along the road. Keep up the great efforts and as you can tell by the responses you inspire us 🙂
Another great column, Deb. Keep up the good work–you’re an inspiration!
You have inspired me I just sent them an e-mail! I have been able to keep 40 lbs off for 3 yrs but in the past yr I have gained 10 lbs. and I am afraid it will just keep going. I don’t want to really go for the gastric lap band, my doctor says I don’t meet the criteria although if I keep gaining weight I probably will be a candidate. Wish me luck!
Good Luck, Renee. I realize how hard it is. My physician actually brought up the subject of the gastric lap band a year ago and I think that’s when it hit me – I should be able to do this without something as drastic as that. You can do this. I usually do this blog once a month and I still have a long journey to go as I’m only 1/3rd of the way tomy goal. I hope you will continue to follow and share your success.
Please send me more information regarding the program you are on.
Thank You
Will send you an email with the flyer Pamela. There is a free orientation session you can attend and they will check with your insurance company to see if part of it is covered.
I’ve tried a lot of diets and personally, I’ve found it helpful to have a cheat meal once a week. I usually won’t go to Mcdonalds, but I will let myself have a homecooked burger. This usually helps me from geting completely frustrated and giving up on my diet all together. Congratulations on your weight loss, and thanks for sharing!
Weight loss is determined by metabolism. Great article, Debi. Keep writing.
Inspiring quest there. What occurred after? Take care!