5 suicide myths

In the wake of beloved actor and comedian Robin Williams’ tragic death, many people have questions about suicide.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, not far behind Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. With this in mind, there are several myths about suicide that can be put to rest.
Myth #1: Suicide rates peak around the holidays.
Although the holidays often bring about additional life stressors, the idea that suicides increase around the holidays is untrue. According to the Journal of Social Science and Medicine, the number of suicide attempts rises during the month of May in the U.S. The reason behind this increase in May is unknown, but researchers speculate that when the weather gets warmer, we get busier, and those of us already struggling with mental health issues often cannot handle the additional stressors of an even busier schedule.
Dr. Carmen Chase, psychiatrist with Advocate Medical Group in Normal, Ill., offers some insight.
“Spring often triggers decreased sleep and increase in manic symptoms,” she says. “The manic symptoms are associated with increased impulsivity and those who come out of the mania into a severe depression may still have the energy to plan and complete suicide.”
Myth #2: Teens are at greatest risk to commit suicide.
Due to the media attention that teen suicide receives, many think that teens are the most at-risk population.
“Teens are not experienced enough to handle some of the stressors in life,” Dr. Chase says. “What may be a temporary problem seems to be permanent to them.”
However, it’s been found that those over the age of 85 are more likely to commit suicide, according to the New York Times. The elderly population often suffers from other illnesses and chronic pain, coupled with the fear of being a burden to family members.
Myth #3: Women are more likely than men to commit suicide.
Health.com says that women are indeed more likely than men to attempt suicide, but men are four times more likely than women to succeed in their suicide attempt.
Myth #4: Depression is always the cause of suicide.
Depression is overwhelmingly the cause of suicide, but not the only factor. Alcoholism plays a role in about 33 percent of suicide attempts, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Myth #5: Suicide is inevitable.
More than 90 percent of those who attempt suicide have diagnosable mental health issues. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, 90 percent of suicide survivors do not go on to die from suicide.
Dr. Judy Woodburn, psychologist with Advocate Medical Group in Normal, Ill., says, for family and friends of suicide victims to consider those left behind when an individual commits suicide.
“Survivors of suicide, or the people left after the suicide of someone they knew, often feel very alone,” Dr. Woodburn says. “These survivors need a lot of support and compassion. They may benefit from getting some therapy/counseling or joining a support group to cope with the impact of their grief and loss.”
“When a person is suicidal, their mind is unable to comprehend or appreciate the effect their actions will have on those around them,” Dr. Chase adds. “It dramatically affects family, friends and, in the case of Mr. Williams, those who just admired them. There is no problem that will not get better if the person is just willing to wait and seek help. Often, just waiting overnight will allow the person to see things differently.”
If you or someone you know is battling depression or contemplating suicide, please visit the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, or call 1.800.273.8255 for more information.
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health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
This is definitely good information to know the facts about suicide and how you can help someone who is dealing with depression or comtemplating suicide.