Maintain healthy habits during the holidays

It may be the most wonderful time of the year, but the holidays can throw your fitness and eating habits for a loop. Time off from work and school, traveling to visit relatives, and making the holiday party rounds can leave you feeling a bit out of sorts – and vulnerable to extra stress and pounds.
Maintaining your fitness routine during the holidays can help you stay on track so you don’t feel like you’re starting from scratch on Jan. 1. But you may have to be a bit more flexible in how you execute that routine.
Let’s say you typically stop at the gym for an hour on your way to work. Taking time off work for the holidays changes your routine and may impact your motivation to make a special trip to the gym in the morning. But as long as you get that hour of exercise in – whether it’s later in the day at the gym, at home on the treadmill or with your kids at the community ice rink– you can keep your fitness habits on track going into the new year.
The same goes for your eating habits. It’s easy to overindulge on special drinks, appetizers and desserts as we graze our way through the holidays. Try to stick to your routine as best you can by tracking your meals with an app such as MyFitnessPal. This way you can make good decisions about that extra glass wine or piece of cherry cobbler in terms of how it fits into your daily calorie and nutrition goals.
Lastly, moderation is key – an “all or nothing” approach to the holidays is neither healthy nor fun. But maintaining good habits can help you feel in control of your health in the midst of holiday chaos and keep you on track for a healthy and happy new year.
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About the Author
Dr. Erazo, guest blogger, is a board-certified family medicine physician for Advocate Medical Group. She has been in practice for 28 years and also speaks spanish fluently.