Why you should eat more oranges

While oranges may seem like a seasonal fruit, they can boost a person’s health year round. One orange can supply a high amount of vitamin C, minerals and fiber, and contains nearly no fat, cholesterol or sodium.
Here are a few health benefits of oranges:
Various studies within the last five years have shown that citrus fruits contain elements that help reduce cholesterol by as much as 20 percent. A study at Hebrew University in Jerusalem reported that compounds found in oranges (known as flavanones) not only reduced levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), but also increased the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL). The study also added that people should eat a diet rich in citrus.
Immunity booster
A single medium-sized orange can fulfill about 72 percent of a person’s daily requirement for vitamin C, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vitamin C helps boost the body’s immune system, which can reduce one’s risk of getting colds and other infections that ravage the immune system.
“People talk about an apple a day, but an orange can be just as useful especially during this time when people tend to get sicker,” says Lynne Wentz, diabetes educator at Advocate Trinity Hospital in Chicago.
Vitamin C has many uses, including helping to enhance blood vessels in the eyes and reducing clouding within the center of the lens, according to the American Optometric Association. Research has shown that high levels of vitamin C found in various citrus fruits are necessary for preventing many other eye issues.
Beautiful skin
Oranges just aren’t good for the inside of the body as they can help skin as it ages. In fact, many beauty products use oranges for masks and creams containing orange extract.
“You see a lot of beauty parlors using orange extract in so many of their products,” Wentz says. “It can really help give your skin a fresher look.”
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In moderation, vodka & OJ is good too!!