Tips for coping with the dreaded cancer diagnosis
By: Abby Gage

Breast cancer has come a long way, and the standard of care is so high, that putting faith in the doctors and medical staff will ease the burden of worry. In retrospect, I feel that I was given a gift – not only of life, but of affirmation of relationships and confidence in the doctors and hospital that took care of me during the ordeal.
I’ve learned so much, and it’s such a whirlwind and scary experience. I would like to offer tips for women who may be hearing the dreaded cancer diagnosis for the first time in hopes of easing some of their anxiety.
- When you first hear the news, it will come as a shock. It will be hard to digest. I believe you should go to friends and family who have had similar experiences. Go to your family for moral support and make sure to get second opinions so you know that you have done all your research before making any big decisions.
- Lean in to God’s love and know that he will be there to give you strength.
- Let family comfort you (don’t try to be a martyr). My husband and children were alongside me and allowed me to be scared – especially when I first heard the news, and then when I heard that the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes.
- It’s OK to cry and feel sorry for yourself – that was a big lesson for me.
- Keep doing the things that you did before your diagnosis- the only time I took off work was for the surgery. Don’t let the cancer diminish your life.
- Don’t stop getting mammograms. I am so grateful for early detection and the care I received during my treatment. I hope that if anyone has to go through this, they catch it early.
If you want to learn more about my breast cancer diagnosis, click here to read my story.