Infographic: 5 drinks that can help you burn fat

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About the Author
Tiffany Nguyen, health enews contributor, is a public affairs and marketing intern at Advocate Support Centers in Downers Grove, IL. She is a graduate of Northern Illinois University with a degree in public health. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration focusing specifically on healthcare management at Lewis University. Tiffany enjoys hanging out with her friends, exploring new restaurants, and binge watching Netflix shows.
A glass of red wine contains 125 calories – about as much as a soda. You’re trying to tell me *that’s* going to *burn* fat??? Where’d you get your medical credentials? A cereal box?
Including red wine in this list is misleading. You talk like muscadine grapes are found in all red wine. They are not. I did a quick search and muscadine grapes are grown in the southwestern U.S. and the quality of the wine looks questionable.