Here’s why your dairy-free diet may be dangerous

If you’re eating a dairy-free diet, you’re setting yourself up for a myriad of health issues as you age.
That’s according to the National Osteoporosis Society (NOS), whose recent survey of more than 2,000 individuals found that four in 10 adults between 18-24 years of age have tried avoiding dairy, gluten, grain and sugar. They also found that more than 20 percent were drastically restricting their milk and cheese intake.
With 70 percent of surveyed 18-35 year olds reporting having been on a diet at some point, the NOS says partaking in these restrictive fad diets is a recipe for disaster later in life.
Restricting dairy intake may lead to osteoporosis, a bone disease characterized by the body producing too little or losing too much bone, causing weakened bones that easily break.
The International Osteoporosis Foundation says that more than 200 million people worldwide are affected by osteoporosis—that’s a number the Foundation expects to grow more than 200 percent in the next 30 years.
Dr. Anupama Ananth, hospitalist at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill., says you should speak with your primary care provider before making any dietary changes.
“That includes a dairy-free or vegan diet,” she says. “This is to ensure you are meeting your nutritional needs.”
“Although milk and other dairy products such as yogurt are some of the most calcium-rich sources, soy yogurt or soy milk are enriched with a similar amount of calcium. Surprisingly, kale and sardines offer almost a similar amount of calcium as dairy products.”
Dr. Ananth also says there are less fortified alternatives available as well, such as watercress, bok choy, okra, broccoli, pineapple and almonds.
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About the Author
Holly Brenza, health enews contributor, is a public affairs coordinator on the content team at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
I hear the advice about eating green leafy vegetables in place of dairy, but I never hear how much you need to eat to match the calcium value in a glass of milk. From what I’ve looked up online, it appears that approximately 3 cups of kale contains the same amount of calcium in 1 cup of milk. Please advise.
I think it’s more important to look at the bio-availability of the calcium in the food that you eat. I personally don’t drink much milk, I find it to be disgusting, but when you replace milk with plants calcium you reduce the bio-availability – similar to eating red meat versus eating spinach for iron. While these plants have several benefits aside from calcium, if your main goal is to obtain that one nutrient then you end up having to eat more of the vegetable. This is because milk contains lactose and is usually fortified with vitamin D, both of which help you absorb calcium, while plants contain oxalate or phytate which reduce the bodies ability to absorb calcium. If you are adamant about removing dairy from your diet the suggestion in this article should be to eat fortified food, as they typically have a similar absorption rate to milk.
Are dairy substitutes OK to drink and eat
So in other words, there are many other alternatives to replace the consumption of dairy products. Therefore, the first line in the article is misleading. “If you’re eating a dairy-free diet, you’re setting yourself up for a myriad of health issues as you age” should read “If you’re eating a dairy-free diet, make sure your diet consists of calcium-rich sources such as calcium-such sources such as calcium-enriched soy yogurt or soy milk, as well as kale, watercress, bok choy, okra, broccoli, pineapple and almonds to prevent the possible onset of osteoporosis.”
I think this is very misleading. I do not eat meat and eat very little dairy. Dairy was designed for baby cows, not humans. We are the only species that drinks another species breast milk. I have way more energy than most and my body is very healthy. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and work out everyday. You can get everything you need in food (except B12 and I take that)and not use animals to do it. Please do a bit more research on milk before putting out an article that makes people think they need to drink fattening milk. As long as you get the calcium you need, there is no need to drink milk or any other dairy foods.
Perfectly stated, thank you… my thoughts exactly!
Read the Campbell book :” The China Study” You will learn that animal protein
from cows milk , unlike plant protein increase the acid load in the body and in order to neutralize the acid the body pulls the calcium FROM bones . This increases the risk of fracture.
Wendy Gottberg, you say, as others have, that we are the only species that drinks another species breast milk. The implied “therefore” is that we should not drink cows’ milk. By that logic, we should also not cook our food, nor refrigerate it, nor wash with soap, etc. etc. You can’t easily escape your humanity.
Oh my GOD this article is SO off base! The National Osteoporosis Society are obviously in bed with the dairy industry. Or was born from the dairy industry! How dare they scare so many people into drinking that disgusting, filthy fluid from a cow??? Humans are the only creatures on the planet that are weaned from mother’s teat than put on a cows teat for life and look around! The majority of the people who drink milk look fat, sick and like zombies! It’s a known fact that when your sick with the cold even your uneducated about health Doctor says “No dairy products as it causes MUCUS to form in the body!” And when your sick with a cold mucus is the last thing you want putting in your body! Milk actually has the OPPOSITE effect on bones! Go on Amazon and “Look Inside” this great book EVERYONE should read regarding bone health, it will scare you straight about the dangers of dairy and your bones.
The China Study is another VITAL read for anyone concerned about their health. It is the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. And unlike other authors touting animal products that look like they’re sick and dying, at 84, T Collin Campbell is a pillar of health and so is his lovely wife who’m I have had the pleasure of meeting BOTH. I’ve never drank dairy and have stayed away from cheese and the like most of my life. I have been vegan for 30 years. Im 50 and look and feel like Im in my 30’s! My milk drinking girlfriends, a different story! Just think about it, when a guest on Oprah Howard Lyman, criticized the practice of feeding processed livestock to cattle, which has been linked to the outbreak in Europe. Winfrey responded that Lyman’s remarks “just stopped me cold from eating another burger.”
Both Lyman and Oprah were taken to court and sued by the cattle producers because cattle is such big business where destroying the lungs of our planet, the Amazon in order to make way for soy plantation, in order to feed cows, in order to make that almighty dollar at any cost! To the cost of the health of the consumer, the animal and the planet!
Vital Bone Book here!