6 relaxation hacks for people who hate meditating

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health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
This is a great article!! I just started teaching yoga a little over a year ago and being active is an excellent aid in linking the mind and the body. The more body senses used (sight, smell, sound…etc.) the better. Like with all the activities mentioned above, it is important to focus in on the present and find solitude there. Again, great article!
This is a great post and worth sharing, thank you. My favorite is the cooking part and singing. I agree that the smell, feel and sight of this activity is very stimulating and inspiring. On my days off, I don’t mind spending many hours in the kitchen chopping, dicing and what have you , my veggies and ingredients. Very relaxing to me; but most important of all, the joy of enjoying the reward of my hard work which is having a great-tasting hot, healthy, home-cooked meal for myself and family.