Six breast cancer fighters and survivors were on the receiving end of a very special surprise Tuesday.
Doctors at Advocate Health Care revealed to the brave group of women that they’ll be attending the October 22nd Chicago Bears PinkOut game free of charge, and will be honored by the 61,500 stadium onlookers during a special in-game ceremony.
The announcement came as Advocate Health Care, the Chicago Bears and hundreds of community members joined together at Advocate Condell Medical Center in Libertyville, Ill., in an effort to raise awareness for the disease that affects one in eight women during her lifetime.
The event brought together breast cancer survivors and fighters; Chicago Bears players Charles Leno, Jr. and Marcus Cooper, Sr. and the special women in their lives; Bears alumni Garrett Wolfe and James ‘Big Cat’ Williams; breast health navigators and surgeons; the Lake County Stallions youth football team and other community groups for an unforgettable afternoon focused on the importance of prevention, early detection and treatment.
Participants were treated to meet-and-greets with the Chicago Bears, the unveiling of the 2017 ‘Real Bears Fans Wear Pink’ t-shirts, training camp drills, tailgate games, face painting, balloon artistry, selfie stations and entertainment from team mascot Staley da Bear, the Bears Drumline and Monster Squad.

I am being treated for Stage 2A breast cancer right now — one more chemo treatment to go! My doctors have told me “we’re going for a cure here”, and I totally believe it WITHOUT QUESTION.
Breast cancer is not automatically a death…