What you need to know about the Justin Timberlake “Braspberry” sensation

June is the kickoff of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, and what better way to celebrate than trying new fruit options?
Singer and actor Justin Timberlake recently “invented” his own fruit: the braspberry. His creation may just look like a blueberry stuffed on top of a raspberry, but don’t overlook this new phenomenon.
Berries are known to be packed with antioxidants. “It is theorized that antioxidants can contribute to overall health by helping the body get rid of free radicals,” says Dr. Kabir Julka, gastroenterologist with Advocate Medical Group.
He describes free radicals as molecules that can be generated by normal body metabolism that can ultimately damage the body. “They can harm cells and our DNA and lead to chronic medical problems,” Dr. Julka says. “Exposure to things like tobacco, x-rays and ozone are likely to increase free radical formation in the body.”
Research from the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2014 notes berries have significant health benefits for the brain and are loaded with nutrients. The researchers point to berries advancing intellectual awareness and can increase activity in different areas of your brain.
Why blueberries? Blueberries may appear small, but they are quite mighty for your well-being. The 2014 research suggests blueberries can help prevent cancers, such as lung, breast and cervical due to the anthocyanins in the berries. Also, this fruit assists with aging and urinary tract infections, according to U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council.
And another 2018 study published in the American Thoracic Society Journal points to another berry benefit: lung protection.
Other advantages? Blueberries are in the same family as billiberries, which relate to improving your overall vision. They reduce potential risks for a heart attack, maintain good cholesterol levels and lower your chance for a stroke. The United States Department of Agriculture mentions blueberries contain vitamins C and K. If you want to keep your memory sharp and cut your sugar intake, blueberries are proven to reduce Alzheimer’s and Type 2 diabetes, too.
And raspberries? Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission found eating red raspberries are valuable for cancer prevention as well as heart disease. And if you’re in pain, think about eating raspberries instead of taking medication; this fruit acts as a pain relief due to the “ellagic acid” in the berries.
Dr. Julka emphasizes antioxidants in berries are important for creating stability.
“Antioxidants are molecules that can help scavenge the free radicals and basically neutralize them, so trying to have a balance of free radicals with antioxidants theoretically helps to prevent medical problems and could potentially slow the aging process.”
He adds eating blueberries and raspberries are beneficial for long-term health without posing harm on your well-being.
Singer and actor Justin Timberlake recently “invented” his own fruit: the braspberry! Would you give it a try? LEARN MORE: https://t.co/CllXKWDH5A
— Advocate Health Care (@advocatehealth) June 8, 2018
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About the Author
Kelsey Andeway, health e-news contributor, is a public affairs intern at Advocate Health Care in Downers Grove. She is a senior at Loyola University Chicago earning a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Dance. In her free time, Kelsey enjoys dancing, baking, and taking long walks with her Chocolate Lab.
Wow, I’ve been mixing these berries for years and called it “mixed berries”. Then I see it in the frozen fruit section as “mixed berries”. But a celeb puts a blueberry into a raspberry and suddenly it’s a sensational thing. Well, I hope I am still getting all the good stuff from them by eating them together instead of inside one another because I can tell you this, that packaging is going to raise the price of these berries and you’ll get a lot less.
How much did Driscoll pay this writer, I wonder? Also, you really can’t put a ton of faith in research that is obviously biased towards its own product (Highbush Blueberry council, Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry commission).
Right on, ladies! If “Justin” could get them to grow on a bush like they are in the package,
THAT would be an INVENTION.
I hope everybody starts enjoying braspberries!
Yea berries!