What’s the most popular Halloween candy in your state?

Is your favorite Halloween candy an Almond Joy? If so, you may want to move to Connecticut.
Residents there buy a lot of Almond Joys. In fact, according to candy retailer CandyStore.com, 11 years of data show that residents in all states have their favorites.
Source: CandyStore.com
In Illinois, the Kit Kat leads the way, and for those in neighboring Wisconsin, the favorite is the Butterfinger. But apparently those in Wisconsin are eating more cheese than sweets. The data showed only 118,984 pounds of candy consumed in comparison to Illinois’ 169,089 pounds.
It is, however, nothing compared to the 1.1-million pounds of Reese’s Cups consumed in Texas or the 660,689 pounds of Snickers in Florida. First choice in West Virginia is Blow Pops, and in Mississippi, Three Musketeers.
Nationwide favorites overall? Skittles, M&Ms, Reese’s Cups, Snickers and Starburst.
With all this talk about sugar, Dr. Janice Lubas, a pediatric dentist at Advocate Children’s Hospital, offers this advice for parents.
“Candy causes cavities, that’s why it’s important to limit the amount your children eat,” says Dr. Lubas. “Be sure your kids brush and floss after eating, or, if not at home, drinking water and chewing sugarless gum can help. Best idea: make sure they also have healthier treats to choose from.”
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About the Author
Evonne Woloshyn, health enews contributor, is director of public affairs at Advocate Children's Hospital. Evonne began her career as an anchor and reporter in broadcast news. Over the past 20 years, she has worked in health care marketing in both Ohio and Illinois. Evonne loves to travel, spend time with family and is an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan!