Want to access thousands of workout videos for free?

No time for the gym, too cold to go for a run or venture out to your Pilates class, tired of your home workout DVDs? Did you know there are thousands of free follow-along workout videos for people of all fitness levels on YouTube?
- Yoga
- TaiChi
- Pilates
- Walking in place workouts
- Ab and core workouts
- Full body workouts with and without weights
- Bootcamp routines
- Cardio workouts including Zumba and step
- Stretching videos
Whatever you like to do or want to try, as long as it can be done from your living room, is likely available on the popular video sharing service. You can access YouTube from your computer, Smart TV or most regular TVs using a Fire Stick to stream content. If you are crunched for time, you can find short and effective videos ranging from seven to 20 minutes, and there are many in the 20- to 45-minute range.
Federal guidelines for physical activity recommend 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity or 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week, along with two strength training sessions weekly.
“Working out at home is a great way to make sure you are fitting in the recommended amount of exercise – especially if you don’t like going to a gym or winter weather has you binge-watching Netflix instead of going for your typical outdoor runs or walks,” says Brandon Nemeth, a health navigator at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill. “It’s also a good way to supplement workouts. For instance, if you belong to a yoga studio, you can do some cardio workouts from home.”
“Please check with your physician before starting any new exercise program,” says Nemeth.
So, check with your doctor and find your favorite personal trainers – on YouTube – for free. Many require no equipment, except water and a towel.
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About the Author
Kate Eller was a regional director of public affairs and marketing operations for Advocate Health Care. She enjoys road trips, dogs, minimalism, yoga, hiking, and “urban hiking.”