This skin irritation is common in hot weather

With summer in full swing and temperatures rising, the outdoors can cause special problems for infants.
The sun and heat can be especially dangerous for babies because their skin is extremely sensitive, and they’re not as good at regulating their own body temperatures.
According to Dr. Anna Juern, a pediatric dermatologist with Aurora Children’s Health in New Berlin, Wis., heat rashes are more common for infants compared to older children because babies are usually wrapped up tight in blankets, hats, swaddles, etc. This creates a hot and humid environment for the child, obstructing the sweat ducts and promoting the development of a heat rash.
Dr. Juern says heat rash also is known as “prickly heat” and appears as small, skin-colored to red bumps or fluid-filled bumps that typically appear on the upper trunk, back, neck, body folds and arms.
If you or your child have symptoms of heat rash, it’s important to keep an eye on the rash for a couple of days. It usually goes away on its own with time. To speed up the healing process, there are a few at-home remedies you can use. Some of these consist of keeping the skin cool by using a cool compress or fan, rinsing with cool water and keeping you or your child well-hydrated. Do your best to avoid heat, humidity and occlusive clothing.
To prevent this kind of rash for babies, avoid dressing your infant in warm clothes when the weather is warm, keep babies out of the direct sunlight, keep cool by using air conditioning or fans and monitor your baby to make sure they are not excessively sweating.
If your infant does seem overheated, make sure to bring them to a cool area as soon as you can. Heat rashes may be common, but if you follow these steps, you and your child can be sure to avoid them.
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About the Author
Meghan O'Grady, health enews contributor, is a public affairs intern at Advocate Health Care. She is a student at University of Illinois and majoring in Advertising.