Tackling 4 mammogram myths

When it comes to mammograms, there are many misconceptions that sometimes prevent women from participating in the recommended screening.
“Mammograms can help to reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer among women,” says Dr. Richard Kiefer, a breast surgeon at Aurora Medical Center in Oshkosh, Wis. “Additionally, knowing the truth and getting a mammogram could save your life.”
What are those mammogram misconceptions? Check out the infographic below to see what Dr. Kiefer has to say.
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About the Author
Jen Thompson, health enews contributor, is a public affairs coordinator for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care with a BS in Health Promotion and Wellness. In her free time, Jen enjoys helping out with her kids’ sports teams, hanging with her family and camping with good friends, she especially loves the coaching the sport of softball.
Would love to see an article for women who have had breast cancer and possibly a mastectomy. What does their care look like? Follow up, etc.
The article narrative and the pictograph have conflicting information on the recommended timing for having mammograms. The latest USPSTF guidelines recommend every other year, but many woman still choose to have them annually. Women may want to discuss this with their primary care physician or gynecologist, but whether you choose every year or every other – but please have your mammogram!
I am a 41yo who just had my 1st mammogram and it came back positive for breast cancer. There were no lumps felt (the docs told me most cases of BC you don’t even feel a lump), no genetic history in my family, just premenopausal. Thankful my gynecologist sent me at 41 (vs 50). I couldn’t imagine living with this silent beast doing more damage for that amount of time. Set to have lumpectomy surgery next week. Breast surgeon is extremely positive and sees this as a bump in the road, seeing as we caught it early. Technology is so advanced. Take the short amount of time and get screened! It is not painful, just uncomfortable. And it only lasts a short time.