Caring for the sick takes a village

For Advocate South Suburban Hospital Environmental Services Tech Alonzo Randle, patient care is a team endeavor, especially during the times of COVID-19.
“I truly believe that not only does it take a village to raise our children, it takes that same village to help those sick in our community to become well,” said the soon-to-be husband and father of 6.
In addition to his heroic efforts to care for every patient’s room as if it belonged to a close relative, Randle has become a hero of sorts to his EVS teammates as well. Randle helps protect the health of his team and patients by equipping his busy teammates with the most up-to-date job aids posted on Advocate Aurora Health’s COVID-19 Information Center.
Randle checks the information center daily for updates important to his team. Then, when relevant updates appear, he prints and shares the new information with his team.
“I believe that staying informed is imperative during COVID-19 pandemic because every day there are updates that we need to be aware of and knowledgeable about to make sure we’re caring for our patients and community properly” Randle said. He added “It’s our duty as health care professionals to stay in tune to the latest information in order to maintain the goal of zero safety events.”
Randle believes his efforts help empower numerous acts of heroism throughout Advocate South Suburban.
“I truly believe all staff coming to work through the pandemic are heroes,” Randle said. “EVS is on the very front lines fighting back against COVID-19, and we will win with our great team members and everyone’s determination to put fear aside and help our patients and community.”
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About the Author
Cassie Richardson, health enews contributor, is regional coordinator on the Public Affairs team for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She has more than 10 years of experience in health care communications, marketing, media and public relations. Cassie is a fan of musical theater and movies. When she’s not spreading the word about health and wellness advancements, she enjoys writing fiction.
Alfonso, is truly an amazing role model for our Advocate-Aurora team at South Sub. I’m truly glad to say I’ve set beside this amazing guy and watched him at his finest.
Al, please continue to do the great works you do. Thank you so much.
Patrices My friend and fellow first ever ASSH Navigate Cohort Program graduate thank you so much for always pulling me to the side and constantly encouragements of being great. It went a long way and made me want to be great. Thank you for your continuous support, it’s awesome and we’ll received 😁👍🏿