Health care heroes: Helping at a stressful time

Giving birth is stressful. Giving birth during a pandemic? Not exactly ideal. Women’s Health and OB Services team members at Aurora Medical Center – Bay Area in Marinette, WI, are going above and beyond to help new parents feel comfortable.
“The fact that I gave birth during one of the worst times in modern day history and didn’t feel it ruined my labor and delivery shows how amazing the nurses and doctor really are,” says Salina Hernandez.
On March 24, 2020, Salina gave birth to her daughter Elena with the help of several nurses, an anesthesiologist, other medical staff and Dr. Amr El Haraki.
“I am a huge fan of having family and friends around during big moments in my life, but this time, I couldn’t have that and I was mad, sad and scared,” Hernandez says. “No mother, best friend, aunt, or my first child could be there to meet our newest bundle of joy, but once we were in the moment, it didn’t matter. We had our nurses and doctor – the people that mattered at that time. They took care of us, laughed with us and hung out with us. They became our family and friends.”
One of those nurses was Casey Charlier.
“The best part of my job is having the privilege to be part of such a special time in one’s life,” says Charlier. “Being able to see such strong women bring another life into the world is absolutely amazing. I love being able to support and encourage mothers throughout this process. We get the chance to really connect and get to know our patients and their families.”
One of the things Hernandez and Charlier connected over?
“We had a mutual connection over our bad habit of TV dramas,” says Hernandez. “It was nice because I was able to connect with her, making my stay easier and less embarrassing!”
Whether giving birth during a pandemic or not, Charlier believes in supporting and encouraging her patients.
“I think the COVID-19 crisis is an especially hard time for our patients,” says Charlier. “During times of uncertainty, making sure our patients feel comfortable is so important. We have to let our patients know they are not alone. We will provide a safe environment for them.”
Hernandez, her husband Eduardo, 5-year-old son Leo and newborn daughter are enjoying their time together at home these days, and will always be grateful for the care they received during an unimaginable time.
“I wish I knew how I could thank them more than giving them this shout out,” Hernandez says. “Honestly, they deserve so much more, especially during this time.”
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About the Author
Bonnie Farber, health enews contributor, is a communications professional in the Public Affairs and Marketing Operations Department at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. In her free time, Brianna enjoys living an active lifestyle through biking, hiking and working out at the gym, but even more than that, she especially loves spending quality time with her two cats (Arthur and Loki), son and husband.