Pandemic habits worth keeping

For the past year, we’ve become professional hand washers and diligent about not leaving the house without a face mask and hand sanitizer.
As we’re slowly getting back into our pre-COVID routines, it doesn’t mean we need to abandon all the healthy habits we’ve gained during the pandemic.
“There are many practices we’ve been doing during the pandemic that are worth continuing to help everyone stay healthy in the long-run,” says Dr. Edmund Fernandez, a family physician at Aurora Family Medicine in Slinger, WI.
Here are some lessons from the pandemic you might want to keep as part of your daily routine:
- Mask up. “It might not be required, especially if you’re vaccinated, but wearing a mask could provide a layer of protection from germs when you’re in crowds or on public transportation,” Dr. Fernandez says.
- Stay home if you’re feeling sick. With many companies staying remote or shifting to a hybrid model, it might be possible to call in if you can’t miss an important meeting at work.
- Keep moving. Remember all those extra walks you went on with your pandemic puppy? As we transition back into our old routines, it’s important to keep time in your schedule for regular exercise. “Our bodies are meant to move, and a regular exercise routine can help you prevent and manage chronic diseases,” Dr. Fernandez says.
- Safeguard your schedule. Block off time in your calendar for self-care, family bonding or your newly discovered hobbies you gained during shelter in place orders.
- Keep washing your hands and carrying hand sanitizer. “Frequently washing your hands can help prevent the spread of germs and help you stay well,” Dr. Fernandez says.
- Make dinner at home. Sure it’s tempting to go back to dining out as your default meal plan, but you’ll be more mindful about eating healthier if you cook at home. Need dinner inspiration? Check out our recipe section for ideas from carb-conscious meals to heart-healthy dinners.
Check out our COVID-19 Info Center to learn more about the virus.
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About the Author
Vicki Martinka Petersen, health enews contributor, is a digital copywriter on the content team at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. A former newspaper reporter, she’s worked in health care communications for the last decade. In her spare time, Vicki enjoys tackling her to be read pile, trying new recipes, meditating, and planning fun activities to do in the Chicago area with her husband and son.