6 mask myths debunked

Months into the pandemic, misinformation about masks continues to spread via social media and other means. It can be difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.
Here are some myths you may have heard and the truth as best we know it right now.
MYTH: You don’t need to wear a mask because you already had COVID-19 and recovered.
TRUTH: We do not yet know if people who have recovered from COVID-19 are immune to getting infected again and if so for how long. Therefore, even if you have had COVID-19 you should still continue to wear a mask. Also, remember that flu season is coming up and wearing a mask will help you from spreading the flu to others.
MYTH: I don’t need to wear a mask because I don’t have any symptoms of COVID-19.
TRUTH: Many people (up to 40%) with COVID-19 do not have any symptoms of the disease. If you have the virus but don’t have any symptoms you are still able to transmit it to others.
MYTH: Masks will prevent me from getting enough oxygen and will cause me to breathe in too much carbon dioxide.
TRUTH: There is no credible scientific evidence that masks hinder the ability to breathe in oxygen or breathe out carbon dioxide, even while exercising or wearing them for many hours a day.
MYTH: If I am wearing a mask, I don’t have to continue social distancing.
TRUTH: While wearing a mask reduces the chance of your spreading the infection to others, you can still catch it from someone else who is close to you. Therefore, it remains extremely important to do both: wear a mask and maintain social distance.
MYTH: Masks don’t prevent the spread of COVID-19 because the virus is smaller than the pores in the mask.
TRUTH: Although the virus that causes COVID-19 is smaller than the pores in most facial coverings (e.g. surgical and cloth masks), the virus is usually contained in larger droplets which are effectively blocked by the facial coverings. Even though droplets can still escape through the facial covering, they usually travel a much shorter distance (compared to no facial covering) and then fall to the ground.
MYTH: I need to wear an N95 mask to protect myself against COVID-19.
TRUTH: Masks work primarily by preventing you from transmitting the virus to others. For that purpose, most facial coverings (e.g. surgical and cloth masks) are effective. N95 masks should be reserved for health care providers who may be caring for patients with COVID-19 infection. If you do wear an N95 mask, make sure it does not have an exhalation valve because those types of masks do not prevent transmission of the virus.
Dr. Robert Citronberg is Executive Medical Director of Infectious Disease and Prevention for Advocate Aurora Health.
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About the Author
Dr. Robert Citronberg is Executive Medical Director of Infectious Disease and Prevention for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care.
Last night, as a bat was flying around my bedroom, diving bombing me- I thought what a great topic to discuss around this time! How about how to deal with bats/vaccines/rabies?
If a bat was in your bedroom, “dive bombing” you, it may well have been rabid.
Thanks for this article Dr. Citronberg. I will be sharing it with a few people. While I appreciate that these are meant to be concise and brief, it would be so helpful to see a citation from scholarly literature to help to defend the how we know the truth from someone’s opinion on a blog post.
Speaking of masks – why is it that I continuously yawn whenever I wear a mask? Generally I start yawning within 10 minutes of putting the mask on and then continues until I take off the mask. Why is that? Should I be alarmed?
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32590322/ Exercise with masks
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32590322/ Cloth masks compared to medical masks
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32590322/ Use of face masks and blood donors
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18500410/ Masks effects on oxygenation in surgery
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33670983/ Masks effects on oxygenation in oral surgeons
What possible good can come from a 2 year old wearing a mask, especially when they are just learning language and social queues? My grandson had pneumonia after contracting RSV recently. Can you honestly tell me this wasn’t a result of him wearing a mask all day at daycare? The other people’s comments are dated 2020 which leads me to believe this article is outdated.
I agree with the comment above: Thanks for this article Dr. Citronberg. I will be sharing it with a few people. While I appreciate that these are meant to be concise and brief, it would be so helpful to see a citation from scholarly literature to help to defend the how we know the truth from someone’s opinion on a blog post.
I’m a “team player” and for the good of everyone, I wear a mask everywhere it is asked even if I don’t like it. The myth stated as “prevent me from getting enough oxygen and will cause me to breathe in too much carbon dioxide” might be technically true, but it doesn’t mean breathing will be easy. For a walk in the park, OK, but my 70-year-old body regularly goes through 55 minutes of continuous jumping jacks, burpees, pushups, running, etc. The mask makes this level of exercise so much harder.
My only issue with wearing a mask is that I get so hot with it while working. When I am busy at work, coming and going, underneath the mask is like a steaming hot shower. So uncomfortable. I feel myself almost panicking sometimes. So to calm myself, I take the mask off for a couple of moments to get a couple of breathes of FRESH air. I quickly put it back on, but I feel myself calming down! That is my only issue with wearing a mask.