Putting it off? These are the times you should call a doctor.

Doctors like me know that life is full of uncertainty, especially when it comes to seeking medical care.
However, there are many health concerns that you shouldn’t wait to have checked out. Remember: Things that seem like small problems now might turn into big problems if you don’t deal with them. If you feel like something has changed with your body and it doesn’t resolve within a few days, it’s never a bad idea to contact your physician’s office and speak with someone. Many even do phone or virtual visits on the computer.
Here’s are some examples of reasons you shouldn’t delay calling the doctor’s office:
- If you have diabetes, and your glucose levels have become uncontrollable.
- If you have hypertension, and your blood pressure readings are higher/lower than they have been.
- If you have new pain that is not going away, such as chest pain, abdominal pain or back pain.
- If you are a woman and have new irregular vaginal bleeding either before or after menopause. If you are still having periods, and now they have become heavier, or you have them more frequently, then that is something to speak with your physician about. After menopause ANY vaginal bleeding should be evaluated immediately by your physician
- If you have new GI symptoms such as bloating, constipation or diarrhea that you can’t link to a change in diet.
- If you have new urinary symptoms such as new leakage, blood in the urine, difficulty starting urination.
- If you have any change in your health condition, you should speak to your physician.
You shouldn’t let COVID-19 keep you from seeking the health care you need, especially in an emergency. Advocate Aurora Health has made a Safe Care Promise to take additional steps to keep you safe. You can read more here. It includes virtual check-ins to limit your exposure to others, screenings outside the office, masking requirements, social distancing, enhanced cleaning and more.
It is always better to ask about a change in your health than sit at home worrying about what is going on. Call your physician and talk about next steps.
Dr. Elizabeth Dickson is a double board certified Gynecologic Oncologist based at Advocate Aurora West Allis Medical Center. She focuses on the overall health of women with cancer, not just during their cancer journey, but globally.
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About the Author
Dr. Elizabeth Dickson is a double board certified Gynecologic Oncologist based at Advocate Aurora West Allis Medical Center. She focuses on the overall health of women with cancer, not just during their cancer journey, but globally.
Another symptom which should be mentioned is change in color of urine.