How to get some vitamin D, even without the sun

When you think of vitamin D, you probably envision the sun. And rightfully so, because a key way to get your daily intake of vitamin D is through soaking up some rays.
But it might be tough to soak up the sun during that gloomy stretch of winter when you might not be outside much.
“While it may be more difficult to get your daily value of vitamin D without the sun, it’s certainly possible,” says Michelle Mendyk, a nurse practitioner at Aurora Health Center in Two Rivers, Wis. “In fact, all it takes is a little mindfulness and effort.”
“Vitamin D deficiency could have links to conditions like osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, type 1 diabetes and more,” she says. “Making some simple changes to your diet ensures you’re getting what you need.”
However, Mendyk offers some cautionary advice, as it is possible to get too much vitamin D due to excessive supplementation. Check with your health care provider regarding safe and appropriate supplementation prior to initiating a change in your diet or taking vitamin D supplements.
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health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
I track nutrients in the food I eat, including vitamin D. I eat salmon, mushrooms, a little milk, cheese, and I never or rarely get to the 600IU that is recommended.
Your article didn’t say what would be the recommended amount of Vitamin D supplement to take every day. I’m sure there must be one instead of having to contact your dr about this. The articles says to call your doctor and ask. If I called my doctor to ask about a vitamin amount I wonder if she’d think I could look it up somewhere. Can you not give that to us?
Not everyone should take the same Vitamin D amount, it depends on your level. My physician checked my level with a blood test and it was low. He then told me how much to take and the level is checked regularly so I can be sure my level is in the normal range since a low level is not good, but also a high level also not good.
The recommended daily allowance is 600 IU for people ages 1 to 70 years, and 800 IU for people over 70 years. Sometimes given 600 IU twice daily. Taking more than this is typically urinated out.
In addition, Vit D is great & Calcium is great, but they are greater together as they help each other work to make the bones stronger.
Alongside supplements, you can get vitamin D from braced food sources, like milk and squeezed orange, as well as from eating fish like salmon, fish, sardines, and mackerel. Meat, shitake mushrooms, egg yolks, and strengthened oats are likewise great sources.