Be careful behind the wheel if you’re taking these medications

Because it’s not always possible to stay in bed when feeling under the weather, many people tend to reach for over-the-counter medications that offer enough relief to keep them on-the-go.
But did you realize several cold remedies on the shelves of your local convenience store can cause drowsiness and other symptoms that can affect your response time behind the wheel, at work or at play?
“People tend to underestimate the risks of over-the-counter medications because they are so accessible,” says Dr. Benjamin Gruber, an ear, nose and throat doctor at Advocate Trinity Hospital in Chicago. “It’s important to know that all medications have the potential for side effects. Therefore, all medications should be taken with caution.”
Dr. Gruber recommends that when taking a cold medicine for the first time, do it when you will be at home for several hours. This will give you time to assess the effects of the medicine before getting behind the wheel or participating in physical activities. Dr. Gruber warns that mixing medications, herbal remedies and some vitamins also can produce unintended side effects.
“Some medications that won’t cause drowsiness when taken alone and in the correct dosage may otherwise affect alertness and reaction times when the recommended dose is exceeded,” Dr. Gruber says. “Other medications can elevate your blood pressure.”
If you’re struck with a cold, Dr. Gruber recommends staying at home and resting until you feel better to prevent spreading germs to others. But if hunkering down is impossible, he suggests avoiding antihistamines and never mixing any cold medicine with alcohol when you need to drive.
“Even some of the medications that claim to be ‘non-drowsy’ can make some people sleepy,” Dr. Gruber warns.
You can spot cold medicines that are likely to make you drowsy by looking for active ingredients Diphenhydramine or Cetirizine. Dr. Gruber recommends you always speak with your physician before taking any over-the-counter cold remedy and ask for help selecting the right medication for you.
Are you trying to find a doctor? Look here if you live in Illinois. Look here if you live in Wisconsin.
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About the Author
Cassie Richardson, health enews contributor, is regional coordinator on the Public Affairs team for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She has more than 10 years of experience in health care communications, marketing, media and public relations. Cassie is a fan of musical theater and movies. When she’s not spreading the word about health and wellness advancements, she enjoys writing fiction.
For a long time, I & a friend were using an over-the-counter Diphenhydramine antihistamine medication as a sleep aid. Aside from the ease of falling asleep, I liked the weird dreams I experienced. But I became concerned after reading about the possible negative effects of long term use, so I stopped taking them. l eventually talked (nagged?) my friend into stopping, too. I am very proud to say that when I’m finally able put away my security blanket, I’ll be completely free of any sleep aids.