Are you making the same mistake every single year?

When was the last time you saw a primary care physician for a check-up?
Many Americans do not realize how much a yearly doctor visit can improve health and save money in the long run. According to an analysis of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey, about 23% of Americans do not have a primary care physician or health care provider. But acquiring and using your personal doctor can be extremely valuable to your overall health for numerous reasons.
Primary care provides a place for people to go for their general health issues. Patients can expect, in most cases, that their problems will be solved without referral. If a referral is needed, your general physician can guide you to a trusted specialist.
Dr. Diana Zamojski, a family medicine doctor with Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill., says “Building a relationship with your primary care physician allows patients to not only have a guide through the health system, but also allows them to be part of the decision making that goes into their care.”
In addition to patients building a trusting relationship with their physician, utilizing a primary care doctor can also provide more frequent opportunities for disease prevention and the advocacy of health. A yearly check-up can aid in detecting health problems that could develop into more serious issues. Primary care physicians can treat more than you may think; they can also treat various chronic conditions such as arthritis and diabetes.
Are you looking for a doctor? Click here if you live in Illinois. Click here if you live in Wisconsin.
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health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
A yearly physical saved my life. My primary care provider found a breast lump on a routine physical that turned out to be cancer. I had my routine mammogram scheduled for after the exam, because of the finding it was changed to a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. They were both normal, even with the tech feeling the lump and putting a marker by it. If I would have skipped the physical who knows when it would have been found. I had no idea that breast cancer would not show up on a mammogram. I have no family history of breast cancer or any risk factors
Ladies and men, please do monthly self exams and regular check ups with your providers.
I see this message is 2 years ago, and I hope you are well. I came to state that the same thing happened to my mom. She had a routine mammo a week before her annual exam, and her mammo was normal. She was shocked when the MD found a flat spot on her breast and it was cancer also. It never showed up on the xray, but did on US. They caught it early thanks to the MD’s sensitive fingers!!!
I saw both of these emails today on November 9, 2021 and believe me when I say I believe you both. Not only is it a radiologist JOB to see what cell changes there are but you can see the cell changes usually on a mammo. At least 3D Thank goodness the doctor had sensitve fingers.! And you are right Deb, the US will pick up the cancer. And with Angie do your due diligence Men and Women – get those yearly mammos and do monthly exams and appontments. Mine showed up both on the mammhgram and US. And it was small and going thru the medical oncologist as we speak and I had no clue.
This is great information but It is hard to establish a pcp when pcps have a large panel size. This means there aren’t alot of available appointments to be consistent with one pcp.