Can you have a seizure without having epilepsy?

Can you have a seizure without having epilepsy?

Over 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy yet there is still a lot of confusion about the neurological disorder. A popular misunderstanding is that you can only have seizures – temporary abnormal movements such as stiffness, twitching, or limpness – if you have epilepsy.

Dr. Ikram Khan, a neurologist at Aurora Health Care, helps set the record straight.

“Epilepsy is a neurological disease resulting in seizure episodes caused by electrical discharges in brain cells. This can result from a stroke, head trauma, tumor, or a family history of the condition,” he explains.

Many people with epilepsy can take medications to successfully stop the seizures.

But just because you had one seizure doesn’t mean you have epilepsy.

“A seizure can occur as a symptom of a health condition, such as a metabolic problem like low magnesium or a side effect of a medication,” explains Dr. Khan. “Unlike epilepsy, treating the health condition causing the seizures will cause the seizures to subside.”

How is epilepsy diagnosed?

If you experience a seizure, it’s important to visit a neurologist who will provide both diagnosis and treatment options. According to Dr. Khan, your neurologist will first look at clinical evidence, such as your medical history, symptoms and the findings of your physical examination. Then, you will have an EEG and MRI of the brain.

Based on the imaging and clinical evidence, your neurologist will determine your diagnosis. If the tests rule out epilepsy, your neurologist will run more tests to detect health conditions that could have caused the seizure if you don’t have epilepsy.

How can you help someone having a seizure?

Dr. Khan says the most important thing you can do is put the person in a safe position. This includes making sure they are on the ground and on their left or right side – this will help keep their airway open. Continuously check that the person is breathing, and if they are not or the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, call 911 immediately.

Want to learn more about your risk for stroke? Take a free online quiz. 

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  1. I’m concerned about having a seizure, as I had a hemorrhagic stroke 6yrs. ago. I recently went to emergency experiencing symptoms of a mild headache and the numbness/tingling on my left side, which happens mostly, but not the headache. Had c.t. with dye showed no stroke, but Dr. said i could have seizures. Since then when I bend over at times I feel headache pressure that goes away when I return upright.
    I don’t know what to sence, when or if a seizure is happens.
    Could you maybe describe symptoms, so I know what to look for? Thank you

  2. This is a very insightful post! Epilepsy runs in my family, and I thought I had a seizure a few times when I was a teen, so my parents scheduled some appointments with a neurologist and they did numerous EEGs, MRI’s and sleep deprivation work-ups. I was started on Keppra, and had adverse reactions to it. They ended up misdiagnosing that my wicket waves were ‘spikes’ in the EEG and I did not in fact suffer from epilepsy. I now take magnesium supplements daily and have not had any occurences since!

  3. Yes, you can have seizures without having epilepsy. There are several different types of seizures that are non epileptic also. While talking to my Neurologist the second most diagnosed Neurological Condition is Functional Neurological Disorder or better known as FND. This condition patients can suffer from seizures along with a multitude of symptoms that affect the Nervous System. Just wanted to put more information about this condition for awareness.

  4. My husband had an aneurysm in 1982. They put a clamp on his short-term memory artery. Although he suffered for headaches he worked and lived a normal life. From time to time, he would have these unexplainable episodes of some type of breathing complications. They could never figure out what was causing it. However, in 2011 he needed a transplant and while undergoing dialysis he suffered seizures. After the transplant he still have them and medications (Keppra, Vimpat, clonazepam) prevents them from breaking through. Whenever he has any type of sickness, over thinks, worry or over exerted, he has seizures. It has been very challenging, but he amazes me because his memory is still fair and remains positive.

  5. I have been diagnosed with epilepsy and currently taking prescription medications for the same. I belive that the seizures ( of which I have not had in several yrs) were more d/t BComplex and Mg deficiencies confirmed via lab results. How should I proceed with weaning of meds towards discontinue of same?

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About the Author

Anna Kohler
Anna Kohler

health enews contributor, is an external communications specialist at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She received her Bachelor of Science in public relations from Illinois State University and has worked in health care public relations for over five years. In her free time, she enjoys working out, finding the nearest coffee shop, exploring new places with her friends and family, and keeping up with the latest trends.