Tips for a smooth return to school after a long break

Time away from work and school is one of the best parts of the holidays for many adults and children alike. After winter break, getting back into a routine and beginning a fresh new year can be very appealing. But for some children and teens, the return to school might induce feelings of anxiety.
If this sounds like your child, here are a few tips to help them feel more comfortable:
Ease into it
Spend at least a few days doing some of your family’s typical school year routines — wake up early, get out of pajamas, head out the door and get to bed on time. The lack of routine while on a break might be exciting at first, but children thrive on a schedule and knowing what to expect.
Beginning to resume parts of the school routine while on break will also make the adjustment easier for parents. Elementary-aged children may benefit from playing at their school’s playground or taking a walk to school to become more familiar and comfortable with being there.
Check in with your child
If they seem worried or anxious about heading back to school, ask them to explain their concerns. Your child might be starting a new class schedule or have new teachers — both of which can cause unease. Having an open dialogue will allow you to better prepare your child for returning to school.
Connect with friends
Get your child together with friends from school over break. Having those social connections will make the transition back to the classroom much more comfortable and natural. Ask your child and their friends what they are most excited about when heading back to school. For example, there may be a field trip to look forward to or a new subject to learn about. Reminding your child about the good things ahead can help them feel more ready for the return to school.
If your child is still uneasy about going back to school after a few days, there may be something greater to address. Don’t hesitate to reach out to their pediatrician for guidance and mental health referrals as needed.
Dr. Jeremy Daigle is a pediatrician and the medical director of the Healthy Active Living Program for Advocate Children’s Hospital and the Chicagoland Children’s Health Alliance.
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About the Author
Dr. Jeremy Daigle is the medical director of the Healthy Active Living Program for Advocate Children’s Hospital and the Chicagoland Children’s Health Alliance.