Worried about too much screen time this winter?

Worried about too much screen time this winter?

When the temperature drops, electronic usage often increases for people of all ages. This is especially true for parents and caregivers who are trying to keep children entertained.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding screen time for children younger than 18 months aside from video communications with loved ones.

If you decide to allow screen time between 18 to 24 months, high-quality educational programming, such as Sesame Street, is recommended in a limited capacity. This may mean one episode a few times per week with a parent engaged in the episode and following or singing along. For ages 2 to 5 years, one hour per day of high-quality programming is the recommended limit. For children over 5 years, the same general limit applies, and the content should be taken into strong consideration when making a family plan for screen time.

Screen time encompasses everything from television and games on a tablet to social media platforms and video chatting with family members. Consider whether the screen time is passive, interactive, a form of communication or a creative outlet.

That’s because mindless scrolling is different than educational programming or a movie night with family, which can open lines of communication for important discussions and an exchange of ideas. Similarly, coding, graphic designing and creating content is different from forwarding a string of memes to friends on social media.

Make sure your child’s days are balanced with other activities, including adequate sleep, connecting in person with family and friends, screen-free mealtimes and being physically active for 30 to 60 minutes each day.

Most phones, tablets and downloadable applications provide screen time limits and can inform parents about their child’s technology usage. This can be a helpful tool to monitor activity and enforce limitations. It’s also important to note if there is a change in your child’s behavior after screen time.

As with anything, safety is paramount. I always advise against playing interactive video games with unknown users. Even if a user claims to know your child, they should not accept unless they confirm their identity, they know the other player in real life and they have your approval. The same applies to social media accounts.

A family may also choose to unplug altogether at the end of the day, which is an effective way to model finding a balance with screen time. Children and adolescents often model parental behavior, so working on setting an example is important. Mealtimes and the hour before bed are ideal for putting away phones as a matter of regular routine. Lastly, make sure that schoolwork, exercise and other daily home, school and sports obligations are completed prior to allowing screen time.

Overall, screen time can be nuanced, and moderation and balance are key. Do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s pediatrician for additional guidance.

Dr. Alpa P. Shah is a pediatrician at Aurora Health Care.

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About the Author

Dr. Alpa P. Shah
Dr. Alpa P. Shah

Dr. Alpa P. Shah is a pediatrician with Aurora Health Care.