1.3.19 Doc’s 3 tips to improve your heart health in the new year 
1.3.19 Doc’s 3 tips to improve your heart health in the new year
12.28.18 Did You Know? These medication facts 
12.28.18 Did You Know? These medication facts
12.27.18 Did You Know? 3 things you can do to get more sleep 
12.27.18 Did You Know? 3 things you can do to get more sleep
1.2.19 Did You Know? Avoid these 3 things when starting a diet 
1.2.19 Did You Know? Avoid these 3 things when starting a diet
12.21.18 3 tips to lower your cholesterol 
12.21.18 3 tips to lower your cholesterol
12.19.18 3 Tips to cope with grief this holiday season 
12.19.18 3 Tips to cope with grief this holiday season
12.25.18 Did You Know? These simple healthy hacks 
12.25.18 Did You Know? These simple healthy hacks