05.24.18 Doc’s 3 Tips for your heart 
05.24.18 Doc’s 3 Tips for your heart
05.21.18 Did You Know? How to talk to someone about their mental health 
05.21.18 Did You Know? How to talk to someone about their mental health
05.18.18 Did You Know? Signs it’s time to replace your athletic shoes 
05.18.18 Did You Know? Signs it’s time to replace your athletic shoes
02.14.19 Doc’s 3 Tips Roll Back the Clock on Your Heart 
02.14.19 Doc’s 3 Tips Roll Back the Clock on Your Heart
05.11.18 Did You Know? Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury Stats 
05.11.18 Did You Know? Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury Stats
10.26.18 Did You Know? These things gross out guests 
10.26.18 Did You Know? These things gross out guests
05.07.18 Did You Know? 3 Nursing Truths 
05.07.18 Did You Know? 3 Nursing Truths