The secret to building confidence

The secret to building confidence

If you constantly doubt yourself or feel you aren’t worthy of good things happening in your life, you may struggle with low self-esteem. This can affect your mental and physical health, relationships and career. The good news: Since low self-esteem is learned, it can also be unlearned.

One way to build up your confidence is to focus on positive self-talk.

“I often tell my patients to think about what they would say to a loved one in the same situation,” says Michelle Trekas, a behavioral health nurse practitioner at Aurora Health Care. “We are often harder on ourselves than we would be on our kids, parents, spouses and friends. If you would not say it to someone else, do not say it to yourself.”

Trekas also recommends the following confidence-building tips:
  1. Surround yourself with positive people. People that are encouraging and celebrate your accomplishments can help you build habits of self-confidence, as well as a desire to try new things.
  2. Practice self-care. Eating healthier, exercising and meditating are all ways you can improve your physical and mental health, which can help you feel more positive and improve your self-esteem.
  3. Do not compare yourself to others. Everyone is different and has unique qualities and strengths. Learn from others and allow them to inspire you. Strive to better yourself rather than allowing a comparison to make you feel less than.
  4. Practice gratitude. Get in the habit of recognizing what you are thankful for, including what you appreciate about yourself. A great way to get started is by journaling or writing down what you are grateful for each day.
  5. Give yourself grace. Encourage yourself and give yourself credit, but also forgive yourself and remember that everyone makes mistakes.
  6. Watch your posture. Stand up straight and make eye contact. Act confident even if you do not feel confident. The more you practice, the better and more natural it will become.

You don’t have to navigate low self-esteem alone. “When low self-esteem leads to social withdrawal, significant anxiety, eating disorders, depression, constant fear of making mistakes, or difficulty maintaining daily responsibilities, it is important to seek professional help,” explains Trekas.

Looking for a behavioral health provider? Find care where you live here: Wisconsin | Illinois

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About the Author

Anna Kohler
Anna Kohler

Anna Kohler, health enews contributor, is an external communications specialist for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She received her bachelor's degree in public relations from Illinois State University and has worked in health care public relations and content marketing for over five years. In her free time, she enjoys working out, exploring new places with her friends and family, and keeping up with the latest social media trends.