Gain control of your period with cycle syncing

Gain control of your period with cycle syncing

Does your menstrual cycle feel like a rollercoaster of mood swings, cravings and fatigue? If so, cycle syncing might help.

Cycle syncing refers to tracking how your body and mind feel throughout your menstrual cycle so you can notice patterns and better adapt to your body’s changing needs.

To do so, you will track your general mood, appetite, sleep quality, libido and skin changes by writing them down on paper or using a cycle tracking smartphone app.

The benefits of cycle syncing include:

  • Improved body-mind connection
  • Regulated periods
  • Effective workouts
  • Increased fertility support
  • Lessened premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms
  • Decreased mood swings

Cycle syncing is also beneficial since it helps identify which of the four menstrual cycle phases you are in. The phases include:

  • Menstrual: The uterine lining sheds and you may feel more lethargic. This stage lasts about five days.
  • Follicular: The lining is rebuilt, preparing for a new egg. Your energy levels also rise. This lasts about 10 to 14 days.
  • Ovulatory: An egg is released. This is the shortest of the four phases, lasting one to three days.
  • Luteal phase: The uterine wall thickens, preparing for a possible pregnancy. You may develop PMS symptoms. This stage lasts around 10 to 14 days, or until menstruation begins again.

Various hormone changes mark each phase of your period. “Because of these fluctuations, mood and energy levels can be impacted,” explains Megan Labine, a registered dietitian at Aurora Health Care. “For example, during the follicular phase, you might feel higher energy levels. During menstruation, energy levels decrease, and you might have cravings or feel more emotional.”

You may want to adjust your workout intensity, diet and social schedule according to the menstrual cycle phase you are in. For example, you may crush HIIT workouts during the follicular and ovulatory phases as your energy levels surge. Or you might schedule a big social event around your cycle to avoid going out during menstruation. While you can’t plan for every circumstance, cycle syncing may help you feel more in control.

“There are many resources and charts showing which nutrients and foods to consume during each phase,” Labine says. “It’s true that specific nutrients are needed during different phases of the cycle. However, there’s no need to stress over getting every nutrient.”

For example, Labine notes that iron is important during menstruation as you lose more blood. However, iron is still an essential nutrient to consume through your cycle. Overall, she encourages you to maintain a healthy diet no matter what menstrual phase you are in.

“Allow yourself to be flexible with food choices and listen to your body when it needs rest,” she says.

If you have a menstrual condition that affects your cycle’s regularity and severity, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), you can still benefit from cycle synching.

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Sammy Kalski