Articles by "Elizabeth Blasko"

Elizabeth Blasko
Elizabeth Blasko

Elizabeth Blasko is a public affairs coordinator with Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She studied public relations and nonprofit leadership at Western Michigan University. Elizabeth previously worked at Bernie's Book Bank, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing book ownership among underserved children.

This author has already written 30 Articles
Is it risky to take expired medication? 
Is it risky to take expired medication?
Learn why cleaning out your medicine cabinet should become a monthly chore.
Cómo cerrar la brecha: un defensor bilingüe para la comunidad 
Cómo cerrar la brecha: un defensor bilingüe para la comunidad
“Todos queremos tener la oportunidad de demostrar lo que nos hace únicos”.
Bridging the gap: A bilingual advocate for the community 
Bridging the gap: A bilingual advocate for the community
‘We all want the opportunity to demonstrate what makes us unique.’
El valor de establecer un médico de atención primaria 
El valor de establecer un médico de atención primaria
Sepa qué preguntar para que su médico pueda prepararlo para el éxito.
How does obesity affect pregnancy? 
How does obesity affect pregnancy?
An obstetrician explains the risk factors.
Midwife myths debunked 
Midwife myths debunked
For starters, they don’t only work with pregnant individuals.
Do you have 30 minutes to spare? You could save a life. 
Do you have 30 minutes to spare? You could save a life.
Find out if you are eligible to make this lifesaving ripple effect.