Articles by "Holly Brenza"

Holly Brenza
Holly Brenza

Holly Brenza, health enews contributor, is a public affairs coordinator on the content team at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago. In her free time, Holly enjoys reading, watching the White Sox and Blackhawks, playing with her dog, Bear and running her cats' Instagram account, @strangefurthings.

This author has already written 408 Articles
Is sleep coaching right for your family? 
Is sleep coaching right for your family?
Making changes to your family’s sleep routine can be a challenge. These resources may help.
¿Está al día con esta evaluación que puede salvarle la vida? 
¿Está al día con esta evaluación que puede salvarle la vida?
Los hispanos tienen un 28% menos de probabilidades de hacerse pruebas de detección de cáncer colorrectal que los blancos. Conozca la importancia de esta evaluación que puede salvar su vida.
Are these the secrets to a smarter child? 
Are these the secrets to a smarter child?
Have you heard of the five Rs?
Has this illness recently hit your household? 
Has this illness recently hit your household?
If left untreated, it may lead to inflammation of the heart.
What is a pacemaker? 
What is a pacemaker?
Learn the benefits of the device’s latest advancements.
Does your child play well with others? 
Does your child play well with others?
What this could mean for your child’s future mental health.
Lo que puede hacer sobre la creciente incidencia de diabetes 
Lo que puede hacer sobre la creciente incidencia de diabetes
¿Sabía que…? La diabetes es la quinta causa principal de muerte entre los hispanos. Un experto comparte algunas formas en que usted puede combatir la enfermedad.