Articles by "Holly Brenza"
Holly Brenza, health enews contributor, is a public affairs coordinator on the content team at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Tough crowd at your dinner table? Try one of these simple dinner ideas tonight and win even your pickiest diner over.
Dangerous organisms may be living in your nearby watering hole. Although rare, the “brain-eating amoeba” can be life-threatening.
Ha sido un invierno largo y difícil. Es probable que esté buscando actividades seguras en las que sus hijos puedan participar este verano. Pero ¿el campamento es una de ellas?
With the weather warming up and the end of the school year in sight, you might be thinking about the safety of summer camp.
See why leading health organizations are putting a lid on juice consumption among certain age groups.
Even though it’s currently not available for children, they likely still have questions.