Articles by "Jeannine Canino Bieda"

Jeannine Canino Bieda
Jeannine Canino Bieda has worked in the Options industry for the last 14 years and cannot imagine doing anything else; she enjoys all the craziness, the good, the bad & the ugly! She is a breast cancer survivor. She is married to the love of her life and does not have any children but hopefully that will change one day. She is a proud Southsider but lives in Evanston now because it’s where her husband is from; she learned quickly, you can take the girl out of the Southside but you can’t take the Southside out of the girl! She is highly addicted to reality shows & gossip magazines and is not ashamed of it.
- September 21, 2015
Making this decision was not easy. But I want to share why.
- April 6, 2015
Here’s why I dislike using this term as a reference to someone’s journey with cancer.
- November 17, 2014
Why this little white pill is my daily reminder of how quickly your life can change.
- September 15, 2014
Tags: breast cancer, mammogram, family history, Jeannine Canino-Bieda, stories of the girls, radiologist
Read why I know firsthand this statement isn’t true.
- August 11, 2014
Tags: patient, survivor, Jeannine Canino-Bieda, tamoxifen, radiation, treatment, chemo, breast cancer, surgery, cancer
Although chemo was not a part of my journey with cancer, every survivor has a different story.
- June 9, 2014
Tags: cancer, breast cancer, anxiety, medication, therapy, medicine, journey, Jeannine Canino-Bieda, life, worry
Anxiety has always been a part of my life; but taking control over it is what changed how I lived.
- May 12, 2014