Articles by "Kristen Johnson"

Kristen Johnson
Kristen Johnson

Kristen Johnson, health enews contributor, is a public affairs and marketing manager with Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She previously worked as a speechwriter and staffer on Capitol Hill. She enjoys running marathons, good coffee and exploring Chicago’s many neighborhoods.

This author has already written 26 Articles
How a sip of self-care can alleviate holiday stress 
How a sip of self-care can alleviate holiday stress
Here are strategies you can try if your tank is running on empty.
Here’s what to look for in a decongestant 
Here’s what to look for in a decongestant
After a popular decongestant was found to be ineffective by the FDA, you may be looking for alternatives.
Could you benefit from a health coach? 
Could you benefit from a health coach?
You may get this confused with a personal trainer.
Which breast pump is right for you? 
Which breast pump is right for you?
From manual to electric, here’s what to consider before you buy.
Can you prevent cancer? 
Can you prevent cancer?
Owning your cancer risk may help you actively reduce it.
How to tell if your breast cancer is hiding 
How to tell if your breast cancer is hiding
One risk factor makes it harder to detect cancer, even with regular screening.
How women can tell if their heart is sick 
How women can tell if their heart is sick
The signs and symptoms of heart failure may not be what you typically think.