Articles by "Mary Arens"

Mary Arens
Mary Arens

Mary Arens, health enews contributor, is a senior content specialist at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She has 20+ years of experience in communications plus a degree in microbiology. Outside of work, Mary makes healthy happen with hiking, yoga, gardening and walks with her dog, Chester.

This author has already written 82 Articles
Should you leave the toilet lid up or down when you flush? 
Should you leave the toilet lid up or down when you flush?
It’s the age-old, ongoing debate. Here’s what an infection prevention expert has to say.
A furry friend may help keep your mind sharp 
A furry friend may help keep your mind sharp
Learn who can especially benefit.
Why low blood pressure can also be dangerous 
Why low blood pressure can also be dangerous
Learn how severity can vary.
Do you snack more than you eat meals? 
Do you snack more than you eat meals?
Here’s how to make sure snacks don’t interfere with your regular meals.
The health-boosting powers of flaxseed 
The health-boosting powers of flaxseed
Learn how this super versatile food may improve your digestion.
The gentle, healing power of Qigong 
The gentle, healing power of Qigong
You just need 15 minutes a day to reap the benefits.
Tired, heavy legs? This may be the cause 
Tired, heavy legs? This may be the cause
There are three conditions that may be causing this strange feeling.