Articles by "Sadie Schwarm"

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Sadie Schwarm

This author has already written 15 Articles
Biden’s routine colonoscopy echoes benefit of preventive screenings 
Biden’s routine colonoscopy echoes benefit of preventive screenings
President Biden’s potentially pre-cancerous polyp raised awareness of the importance of colonoscopies in those who have had polyps previously.
Una cirujana de mama defiende la atención de primer nivel para todas las pacientes 
Una cirujana de mama defiende la atención de primer nivel para todas las pacientes
Sin importar su origen étnico, una mamografía de rutina podría salvarle la vida.
You have sleep apnea. Now what? 
You have sleep apnea. Now what?
Make sure your habits aren’t making your sleep apnea worse.
Stop the stigma. Get a lung screening. 
Stop the stigma. Get a lung screening.
Routine lung cancer screenings could save your life.
Experts explain the colon condition that put the Pope in the hospital  Featured
Experts explain the colon condition that put the Pope in the hospital
The Pope had to have surgery due to an inflamed colon. Here’s what you can do to prevent the condition from happening to you.
Some experts now suggest colon screenings at age 45 
Some experts now suggest colon screenings at age 45
Experts say that a significant increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer cases among younger people inspired the change
Cómo ayudar a futuros padres de la comunidad LGBTQ a afrontar los desafíos de la subrogación de vientre 
Cómo ayudar a futuros padres de la comunidad LGBTQ a afrontar los desafíos de la subrogación de vientre
Un hospital está invirtiendo en capacitación en competencias culturales para acompañar a los pacientes en el camino hacia la paternidad.