Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3948 Articles
How to talk to your kids about a scary diagnosis  Featured
How to talk to your kids about a scary diagnosis
Oncologists report a frequent question after a cancer diagnosis is “how do I tell my kids?” An expert offers advice.
Infographic: 6 ways to stop sugar cravings 
Infographic: 6 ways to stop sugar cravings
Consuming too much sugar can lead to even more cravings, creating a vicious cycle. Learn how to satisfy your sweet tooth without reaching for sugar.
Looking to strengthen your relationship? This may be the answer 
Looking to strengthen your relationship? This may be the answer
Just like shared friends bring couples closer, so can this mutual interest.
Everything you need to know about breast reconstruction surgery  Featured
Everything you need to know about breast reconstruction surgery
What are your options? Are implants safe? An expert answers common questions.
Is the five-second rule for food a myth? 
Is the five-second rule for food a myth?
Studies show how long the food is on the floor isn’t important, but two other factors do indeed make a difference.
Infographic: How to get your 10,000 steps in 
Infographic: How to get your 10,000 steps in
A fitness specialist offers four easy tricks to improve your health and well-being by getting you moving.
Can someone else’s poop help you lose weight? 
Can someone else’s poop help you lose weight?
You’ve probably heard about heart and kidney transplants, but when are stool transplants recommended?