Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
Tips to stop motion sickness before it starts 
Tips to stop motion sickness before it starts
Whether traveling by car, train, plane or boat, there’s nothing quite like motion sickness to ruin a good trip.
Is the phrase ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ supported by research? 
Is the phrase ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ supported by research?
New survey data sheds light on the popular saying. A psychologist weighs in and explains why people cheat.
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat 
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat
New documents reveal the the Sugar Research Foundation influenced a pivotal study on diet and heart disease.
Making sure your body is ready for a marathon 
Making sure your body is ready for a marathon
An exercise specialist offers 5 tips to prepare for 26.2 miles.
Sharper focus is just a breath away  Featured
Sharper focus is just a breath away
Experts agree on the benefits of meditation. One physician suggests an unlikely place to experience Zen.
Selena Gomez sheds light on health battle, cancels tour 
Selena Gomez sheds light on health battle, cancels tour
This pop star puts her mental health first as she battles anxiety and depression.
What you need to know about breast implants and breast cancer 
What you need to know about breast implants and breast cancer
Does breast augmentation affect your risk for breast cancer? Do you still need a mammogram? Answers from an expert.