Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
Women’s body image on the rise  Featured
Women’s body image on the rise
Despite reports of extreme dieting and social media’s sometimes negative influence, new research shows women’s dissatisfaction with their weight is down.
How your anxiety is affecting your children 
How your anxiety is affecting your children
With bad news constantly in the spotlight, parents’ actions teach children valuable coping lessons.
Beware of this summer tradition 
Beware of this summer tradition
Roasting s’mores for National S’mores Day? Stay safe when gathered around a campfire, bonfire or outdoor fire pit.
To floss or not to floss? 
To floss or not to floss?
The federal government dropped the recommendation in its latest guidelines, claiming the benefits of flossing have never been proven. Some experts insist that shouldn’t stop you.
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness?  Featured
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness?
Are you confused when you wake up? You’re not alone, experts say.
How long until your coffee stops working? 
How long until your coffee stops working?
New research reveals you can’t rely on the common stimulant after just three nights of poor sleep.
Can drinking red wine burn fat?  Featured
Can drinking red wine burn fat?
Elements in the dark-colored grapes found in some wines could boost metabolism and improve liver function.