Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
Why American parents have the biggest “happiness gap” 
Why American parents have the biggest “happiness gap”
A psychologist breaks down a study showing U.S. moms and dads are less happy than their childless peers.
Finding Dory’s empowering message about disabilities  Featured
Finding Dory’s empowering message about disabilities
How Pixar’s big hit teaches an important lesson about being different.
9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant 
9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant
An obstetrician offers some helpful tips for women looking to conceive.
How to survive a heat wave 
How to survive a heat wave
With record temperatures expected this summer, it is important to keep cool and know the risks of heat-related illnesses. Learn more.
Could an app help heart attack victims? 
Could an app help heart attack victims?
The rise in popularity of emergency apps can help victims and bystanders respond more proactively.
Is the five-second rule for food a myth? 
Is the five-second rule for food a myth?
Studies show how long the food is on the floor isn’t important, but two other factors do indeed make a difference.
Proof men feel worse when ill  Featured
Proof men feel worse when ill
Researchers find that estrogen protects women from the most aggressive symptoms of the virus.