Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3948 Articles
Prevent hair sweat after a workout? 
Prevent hair sweat after a workout?
Some physicians are skeptical of the “Blowtox” fad that is catching on among female fitness fanatics.
Flu shot may provide extra protection against stillbirth 
Flu shot may provide extra protection against stillbirth
A new study says the vaccine may decrease the risk of stillbirth by 51 percent.
How your brain changes when you’re on no sleep 
How your brain changes when you’re on no sleep
Insomnia is linked to abnormalities in tissues known as “white matter.” Here’s what you need to know.
Healing from breast cancer with blue, spiky heels 
Healing from breast cancer with blue, spiky heels
After being diagnosed at 26, Lauren Wakefield is inspiring other women through Healing Heels.
Are kids spending less time outside than prisoners? 
Are kids spending less time outside than prisoners?
Parents fear that digital technology and fewer green spaces are making the joys of childhood a thing of the past.
Infographic: 5 tips to prevent mindless eating 
Infographic: 5 tips to prevent mindless eating
Are you really hungry? Check yourself before you wreck your diet.
How to beat heart disease  Featured
How to beat heart disease
An expert cardiologist offers tips on living a healthier life.