Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3948 Articles
How weight gain during pregnancy can affect your baby 
How weight gain during pregnancy can affect your baby
Check out these tips for pregnant women about exercising and maintaining a healthy weight.
Why do people avoid getting a colonoscopy? 
Why do people avoid getting a colonoscopy?
Myths about colonoscopies are debunked by these digestive health experts.
Physician empathy boosts patient satisfaction 
Physician empathy boosts patient satisfaction
A recent study suggests a doctor’s bedside manner is the key to improving the medical care experience.
Does gender matter when it comes to running? 
Does gender matter when it comes to running?
A sports medicine physician weighs in on body type and nutritional needs for men and women.
New app makes birth control more accessible 
New app makes birth control more accessible
Technology is dramatically influencing the way we access health care, but are there risks?
Diabetes treatment may impact breast density 
Diabetes treatment may impact breast density
Women who take insulin appear more likely to have dense breasts, a known risk factor for breast cancer. Learn more.
What is your body telling you when you get the chills? 
What is your body telling you when you get the chills?
By themselves, the chills are not an illness, but can signal that you might be getting sick.