Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3948 Articles
Cancer death rates decreasing nationwide 
Cancer death rates decreasing nationwide
The news isn’t good for everyone, however. An expert explains.
Carbohydrates linked to lung cancer 
Carbohydrates linked to lung cancer
Smoking isn’t the only risk factor for America’s deadliest cancer, a new study finds.
Display screens may be damaging your vision  Featured
Display screens may be damaging your vision
Learn how to care for your eyes in the midst of digital overload.
Empowering women to learn CPR in Africa 
Empowering women to learn CPR in Africa
Dr. Parag Patel helps to teach a group of women in Kenya to be adequate in chest compressions and feel confident to help save lives.
4 things to know about antibiotics for kids 
4 things to know about antibiotics for kids
The American Academy of Pediatrics urges both providers and parents to only use antibiotics when they are truly needed.
I love you, man: ‘Bromances’ may be good for men’s health 
I love you, man: ‘Bromances’ may be good for men’s health
A new study finds that male friendships help when dealing with stress.
Why your kid’s football helmet better fit 
Why your kid’s football helmet better fit
Improperly fitted helmets can lead to more severe and longer-lasting concussion symptoms, according to a new study .