Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
Treatment for urinary tract infections advancing 
Treatment for urinary tract infections advancing
Scientists are beginning to understand why some women get these infections more often than others.
Why you’re a mosquito magnet 
Why you’re a mosquito magnet
How you smell may determine if you get bug bites.
Treating 3 common stomach issues  Featured
Treating 3 common stomach issues
A gastroenterologist offers advice on managing digestive problems.
Harry Potter quiz could say a lot about your personality 
Harry Potter quiz could say a lot about your personality
The results of this popular quiz could correlate to certain character traits, according to researchers.
Is the obesity epidemic getting even worse? 
Is the obesity epidemic getting even worse?
A new report finds that about 32 million men and 36 million women are obese.
Inspiring Kids: Mackenzie’s Story 
Inspiring Kids: Mackenzie’s Story
After feeling sick for many years, MacKenzie was diagnosed with celiac disease. Now she’s following a gluten free diet and feeling great.
Are skinny jeans dangerous to your health? 
Are skinny jeans dangerous to your health?
A woman was rushed to the emergency room after losing feeling in her feet. Find out if these pants should come with a warning.