Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
New technology detecting more polyps  Featured
New technology detecting more polyps
Doctors are better able to see colon cancer thanks to this device.
Teenager’s life saved following car accident 
Teenager’s life saved following car accident
Samantha McCallum suffered a traumatic brain injury and now she is preparing for a future of helping others.
Ankle replacement gets carpenter back on his feet 
Ankle replacement gets carpenter back on his feet
After a serious fall, one man is back to his old self thanks to new technology.
Worrying may have a positive side 
Worrying may have a positive side
Researchers are finding a strong correlation between over-thinking and intelligence.
Can loneliness shorten your life? 
Can loneliness shorten your life?
A new study finds that social isolation can decrease your lifespan.
It’s possible to run too much 
It’s possible to run too much
Moderate joggers have a lower risk of mortality compared to those who run more frequently.
How texting can harm you  Featured
How texting can harm you
Keeping up with friends via text messaging may cause carpal tunnel.