Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
Teaching gardens promote healthy habits 
Teaching gardens promote healthy habits
School vegetable gardens are encouraging students to eat healthy.
What you need to know about IUDs 
What you need to know about IUDs
Learn more about this form of contraceptive before you choose.
An avocado a day keeps the heart doc at bay 
An avocado a day keeps the heart doc at bay
As part of a moderate-fat diet, eating this nutrient-dense food can lower your risk for heart disease.
Managing your emotions after a romantic breakup 
Managing your emotions after a romantic breakup
New research says that repeatedly reflecting on the broken relationship can actually speed up the recovery process.
Think twice about drinking alcohol before bed 
Think twice about drinking alcohol before bed
Researchers say that nearly 20 percent of Americans drink to help doze off. Learn why it’s not a good idea.
Safety tips for cleaning around the house  Featured
Safety tips for cleaning around the house
Check out these tips on how to avoid accidental poisonings while cleaning this winter.
A special night with the Chicago Bulls 
A special night with the Chicago Bulls
See how the NBA team created memories to last a lifetime for this 6-year-old girl.