Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
What Hispanic women need to know about breast cancer 
What Hispanic women need to know about breast cancer
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among this population. Learn more about prevention.
Adults failing to meet muscle strength standards 
Adults failing to meet muscle strength standards
Not enough older adults are picking up a dumbbell or hopping onto a machine to strengthen their muscles.
Multitasking may be changing your brain 
Multitasking may be changing your brain
When it comes to the amount of time we spend looking at multiple screens, less may be more.
Are you ready for flu season? 
Are you ready for flu season?
Experts say one simple step can protect against the flu or lessen the severity of the infection.
Benefits of yoga for breast cancer survivors 
Benefits of yoga for breast cancer survivors
The ancient Indian exercise can help reduce fatigue and lower inflammation.
Lo que las mujeres hispanas necesitan saber acerca del cáncer de la mama 
Lo que las mujeres hispanas necesitan saber acerca del cáncer de la mama
El cáncer de la mama es la causa principal de muertes debido al cáncer para las mujeres hispanas. Aprenda más acerca de la prevención.
An empty nester’s back-to-school blues 
An empty nester’s back-to-school blues
A mom shares how she’s getting adjusted to the last child leaving the nest and what that means for the next phase of her life.