Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3948 Articles
Can a text message reduce binge drinking? 
Can a text message reduce binge drinking?
New research shows sending text messages from the ER to young adults can reduce over consumption.
Gender differences in marathon running 
Gender differences in marathon running
See what a new study says men do differently than women during a race.
Both teen guys, girls experience teen dating violence 
Both teen guys, girls experience teen dating violence
A new study reports that both sexes can be both victim and aggressor. Get the details.
Can kids with breathing deficiencies still be active?  Featured
Can kids with breathing deficiencies still be active?
Our expert says yes. Read more.
Can exercise reduce anxiety? 
Can exercise reduce anxiety?
If you’re feeling anxious, hopping on the treadmill may be just what the doctor ordered.
High school sports can offer a brain boost 
High school sports can offer a brain boost
A new study says student athletes get benefits long after the last whistle blows.
Heroin users trending older, white, suburban 
Heroin users trending older, white, suburban
Research shows many turn to heroin as a less expensive, more accessible alternative to prescription painkillers.