Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3948 Articles
Dangerous amount of tech waste poses health threats 
Dangerous amount of tech waste poses health threats
With the advancement of technology comes a greater need to safely recycle and dispose of old devices.
Osteoporosis is dangerous but treatable, experts say 
Osteoporosis is dangerous but treatable, experts say
As people age, they lose calcium in their bones which can lead to fractures. Learn more.
Bilingual brains may age more slowly 
Bilingual brains may age more slowly
New research proves that being able to speak two languages is good for the aging brain.
Unhealthy diet can lead to preterm birth 
Unhealthy diet can lead to preterm birth
Studies show a link between a woman’s diet not only during pregnancy, but even before conception.
How much sugar is really in your kids’ cereal?  Featured
How much sugar is really in your kids’ cereal?
A recent study dishes out just how much sugar is in your child’s breakfast bowl.
Infographic: Healthy summertime snacks 
Infographic: Healthy summertime snacks
Check out these easy and fun summer snack ideas.
Fitness program key to greater mobility as we age 
Fitness program key to greater mobility as we age
A new study finds that regular exercise helps keep older adults independent and improves their quality of life.